Thank you!

Your assigned Zombie will get started on your Stream Package and send it over to you by this time tomorrow.

Oh, and as a special bonus, you've been granted the Licenza per uso commerciale to your Package, too.

This means you'll be able to use it to earn cash, build your own gaming brand (obviously) and use it across any gaming platform of your choice. 

Exciting, right?

Thought so. 

Oh, and just to recap, here's exactly what you'll be getting access to this time tomorrow:

- 1 Schermata In avvio
- 1 schermo BRB
- 1 schermata in scadenza
- 1 Schermata solo di chat
- 1 sovrapposizione di intestazione
- 1 sovrapposizione webcam
- 14 avvisi
- 1 transizione pungiglione
- 15 pannelli
- 1 striscione Twitch
- 1 banner di YouTube
- 1 banner Facebook
- 1 Videointroduzione
- 1 cartolina finale animata di YouTube
- 6 icone sociali
- Bonus: 1 Profile Picture
- Bonus: Twitch Offline Banner
- Bonus: YouTube Logo Watermark
- Bonus: sfida per la creazione di canali
- Bonus: licenza per uso commerciale

Exciting times!


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