Looking for streaming background ideas to help “spice” up your Twitch stream?

Well, here are a list of 33 of ’em…

(Yup, we ain’t holding any punches in today’s post.)

1. A live view of your gaming room

This is always a good one to choose.

But it’s also very common.

So you might want to mix up the look of your gaming room and, y’know, make it your own. Add your personality.

Oh, and some side tips to make it look more “pro-like”:

  • Add a different coloured light to your background
  • Add a light above your head, pointing at the side of your face
  • Use a high-quality camera

2. A map of the game world you’re streaming

If you’re streaming a game with a large, open world (think Skyrim or Witcher 3), consider using a map of the game world as your streaming background.

It’ll give your viewers a better sense of where they are, and it can look pretty damn cool, too.

3. The top ten high scores of your game

As far as streaming background ideas go, this is a classic.

The idea’s simple:

Show your top 10 all-time high scores from the game you’re playing.

And this, in turn, can give your viewers something to aspire to – or it can simply be a way to add some “fun” to your stream.

Stream Backdrop Ideas

4. Your gaming gear/setup

This streaming background idea is perfect for those who want to show off their sweet gaming gear/setup.

It can also be a way to give viewers some tech specs on the games you’re playing (CPU, GPU, etc.).

Oh, and just a side note, make sure that whatever idea you choose for your streaming background, it is well lit.

5. The leaderboard for your game

Similar to the idea mentioned in streaming background idea number 3, this one is all about showing off your skills (or lack thereof).

But instead of displaying your top 10 high scores, show the live leaderboard from your game.

This can create some serious tension and excitement among your viewers (especially if you’re streaming a competitive game).

6. Your streaming schedule/calendar

If you’re streaming daily, weekdays or weekends (or any combination of the three), consider making your streaming schedule your streaming background.

Kind of out there, I know.

But for those who are new to streaming, this can be a great way to show off how often you stream.

And it will also help your viewers know when to tune-in.

7. A picture of your fans/supporters

This is a great way to show appreciation to your fans and supporters.

A simple picture of your fans (or a group photo, if you have a lot of them) can go a long way.

You could even add their social media handles in the photo so that they can be easily seen by your viewers (obviously get their permission for all of this first!).

Background Ideas for Streaming

8. A (live) webcam of you and your friends/supporters

Speaking of pictures of your fans, why not take it one step further and stream a live webcam of you and your friends?

This can be a great way to connect with your viewers on a more personal level.

9. Custom graphics or overlays

If you’re feeling creative, why not create your own custom graphics or overlays for your stream?

This can be a great way to add some personality to your stream.

And if you’re not too confident in your design skills, you can always get us to design them for you (wink wink).

10. Your favourite streamer’s live stream as your background

This one is perfect for those who’re big fans of other streamers.

And it can be a great way to show your appreciation for those streamers as well as adding variety to your stream.

11. The Lobby of your favourite multiplayer game

For those who play and stream competitive games, consider using the lobby (or pre-match area) as your streaming background.

This can be a great way to give your viewers an idea of how the match/game starts before they jump into it themselves.

12. Something simple but classy

Professional-looking and stylish, black is something that can really pop on your stream.

And it’s also great for those who want to use their webcam (or picture of themselves) as part of their streaming background.

13. Your favourite quote

This is a great way to show your viewers what you’re all about.

And it can be a comforting reminder for those who might not yet by familiar with your stream.

14. Your brand’s colour with your gaming logo

Sleek, professional and effective.

If you’re looking for a simple way to add some “oomph” to your stream, this is it.

It can also be a great way to show that you’re an experienced player (as opposed to a gamer who’s just starting out).

“What background should I use for Twitch streaming?”

15. A plain white background

There’s a reason why this is one of the most popular webcam backdrops out there.

It’s simple, it’s elegant and it works with any kind of streaming setup.

Plus, it gives your viewers a chance to focus on your gameplay (and not on your surroundings).

16. A live view of your gaming setup

If you want to give your viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your streaming setup, this is a great way to do it.

It can also help build excitement for big stream events.

17. A live view of your chat

This is a great way to give your viewers the feeling that they’re part of the action.  

Plus, if you make it responsive, viewers will feel like you’re talking directly to them.

They could also help answer questions in real time, if you have any.

As long as you crop your frame in a way that makes it looks as if you’re reading the live chat (as you’re playing the game), your viewers will think you’re constantly reading their messages.

Kind of silly, I know, but it’ll keep them engaged because they’ll want to see what they’ve said come up on your webcam!

In conclusion

Your background can have a big impact on the overall look and feel of your stream.

So test out some of these ideas and find one that fits your personal style.

And if you need a place to grab some amazing photos for your stream, try out Unsplash.

They have an incredible collection of high-resolution images that you can use for free (no attribution required) – just another little tip for ya!

Have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team