If you’re a streamer, then you know how important the “right” streamer background is.
See, using the right streamer background doesn’t just add flair and customizability to your stream, it also gives your stream its own unique personality.
Your personality.
And it does this better, in my opinion, than any other element of your stream.
After all, it’s the first thing your viewers will see when your stream starts.
Make sense?
Right, let’s jump in.
Here are 10 simple streamer background ideas:
1. Memorabilia
This streamer background idea is simple.
Add your favorite collectibles to the foreground of your stream.
For example, let’s say you play Magic: The Gathering.
You could surround yourself with MTG cards, booster packs and your playmats.
If you’re a gamer, then this will give you an instant dose of nerd cred, guaranteed!
2. Your setup
Show off what you’re using to stream. For example, if you have a 3 monitor PC gaming rig, then make sure it’s on full display when you’re streaming and use that as your backdrop.
There’s no reason not to show off your stuff.
Plus, potential viewers like seeing the gear pros are using. It’s educational and aspirational.
3. Gamer Motivational Posters
Put up a collection of gamer motivational posters in the backdrop of your stream to add some personality to your screen.
Doing so displays the fact that you’re passionate about games, while also serving as a subtle reminder of why you stream.
Twitch Streamer Background
4. In-game Backgrounds
This is an easy Twitch streamer background to set-up.
You simply use in-game backgrounds as your streamer backdrop.
They’re colorful and vibrant, which is perfect for those with brightly lit rooms or low lighting.
Plus, it’s easy to do.
You don’t have to put in much effort at all! Most streamers use the “Archives” section of their PC game library for this.
For example, if you stream The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, then you could scrap your streamer backdrop entirely and instead feature an image of Yennifer.
Or, if you stream Hyper Light Drifter, then you could instead feature an image of your hero in the game’s signature purple-and-white color scheme.
Game backgrounds are easy to find and use. They’re streamer gold!
5. The Game You’re Playing
This Twitch streamer background idea is simple, but it’s also really helpful.
Put your stream’s game of choice behind you when you stream.
As I mentioned in the “Your Setup” streamer background idea, potential viewers like seeing what equipment streamers are using to stream.
Well, gamers are no different!
They’ll appreciate an up-close look at the game you stream. This is especially helpful for gamers who are considering starting their own stream but are still in the research phase.
Background for Streamers
6. Fan Art
In my opinion, one of the best background for streamers is to surround yourself with fan art.
Fan art can be about anything.
It can be artwork of the streamer themselves, their favorite games or even about their stream!
If you’re a fan of anime, then feature wall scrolls and other types of anime-inspired art.
But wait! You don’t have any fan art?
No problem at all! All it takes to start your streamer fan art collection is to take a quick trip over to here.
The results will be well worth it!
7. The Streamer You Want to Be
Yup, streamers are constantly growing and improving.
So why not feature some inspirational streamer wallpaper behind you to remind yourself of what you want to become?
That’s the idea behind this Twitch streamer background idea.
8. Personal Photos or Scenery Shots
This background for streamers idea is simple enough.
All you have to do is fill your backdrop with pictures of yourself.
And by pictures, I mean streamer selfies. Don’t be afraid to show a little bit of your streamer personality!
Now, if you don’t have any streamer selfies or streamers in your immediate vicinity who you can take streamer photos with, then feature some nice scenery shots behind you instead.
Twitch Streamer Backdrop
9. The Community
Streamers are part of a tight-knit community. So why not highlight that with streamer backdrops in the form of streamer avatars?
Ever noticed how streamers tend to display their favorite streamers’ faces behind them when streaming?
It’s a great streamer background idea because it allows streamers to pay homage to their favorite streamers while also serving as a reminder of the community they’re part of.
10. Collections
Every streamer I know has a collection of some sort.
Whether it’s a video game or anime collection, 99% of streamers have ’em.
So share them!
Show them off.
Let your viewers know what you LOVE to collect.
This is also helpful since it shows your viewers what you’re PASSIONATE about and, as a result, will help them better connect with your and your stream.
In conclusion:
It’s important to note that all these ideas I’ve presented to you above are Twitch streamer background ideas, not rules.
You don’t have to do any of them if you don’t want to (although I strongly recommend you try at least one of them out!).
Of course, remember that your home is YOUR space and it’s up to you what you want it to look like.
Ultimately, that’s why we all love streaming: we get to share our personalities with the rest of the world!
Just make sure when you do, though, that you have fun gaming!
-The Zombie Writing Team