Looking for small gaming room ideas?

Well, my fellow Gaming Zombie, you’ve come to the right place.


Because in this post, I’m going to share 29 small gaming room ideas you can start using to look and feel like a pro streamer, without breaking the bank.

Before we get started, though, go ahead and collect all of your gear.

I’m talking your:

  • Gaming PC
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Lights
  • External Monitor (this is perfect if your laptop or PC isn’t built for gaming, because an external monitor can help you stream in 1080p 60fps with little-to-no performance loss)

Got everything?

Awesome, now that everything is collectively brought together into, well, a small gaming room, you’re ready to start decorating.

You ready?

Awesome, let’s jump straight in to your list of 9 small gaming room ideas:

1. Wall Decals

There are a few small gaming room ideas you can use that cost little – if anything – to setup.

I mean, take wall decals, for example.

Wall decals are a great decorating option because they provide you with an endless amount of options, while sprucing up your room.

Examples include:

  • Pine trees
  • Mountains
  • Lunar landscapes

And best of all?

The price you pay is literally next to nothing.  

Not to mention, they can be removed whenever you want.

Small Room Gaming Setup

2. Plants (and flowers)

Another small room gaming setup idea is to add plants and flowers to your room.

Here are two reasons why:

  • First of all, it helps with the temperature of the room because it purifies your room’s air.  
  • Second, it contributes positively to stress relief so you don’t feel overwhelmed when you’re streaming.

You can always experiment with different types of plants and flowers until you find the perfect look and feel for your gaming room.

3. Paint Your Walls

Obvious, I know.

But painting your walls in the same colour as, for example, your gaming logo will make a HUGE difference to the look and feel of your brand.

This, alone, will take you from empty room to pro small room gaming setup in a single weekend.

What you need next, though, is the right light setup so your viewers can properly see your painted wall, decals and plants…

4. Lighting Setup

Lighting is one of the most crucial parts of having a great looking, cohesive small room gaming setup .

It all starts with your overhead lights.

These are typically called ‘pot lights’ in Australia and North America.

They’re good, guys, because they spread light evenly throughout your entire room.

If you don’t have pot lights and you want to get something similar, go for an LED strip light .

These can be used under shelves and cupboards so they don’t take up any floor space.

As for your desk lamp?

Choose a powerful one that doesn’t cost too much money, because it’ll also come in handy as a webcam light (more on this later).

The next crucial element to lights in a small room is floor lamps.

These should be placed behind your chair so you can direct light towards your face when using a webcam, while also making it easier for you to see, well, everything!

Small Gaming Bedroom Ideas

5. Mini Fridges

I’m guessing you also might want some small gaming bedroom ideas, so here’s one of the best I could come up with…

If you’re like most gamers, then chances are you’ll spend a decent number of hours in your room (or, in this case, bedroom) with the door locked and closed as you build up your streaming empire.

Because of this, having a mini-fridge is a great idea.

Having said that, though, there are some etiquette points you need to be aware of when it comes to these two little appliances.

First of all, never keep your mini fridge in front of important things like your external monitor or webcam because they will get in the way and distract your viewers!

Secondly, never keep your mini fridge inside of a cupboard or shelf area.

Your viewers will start to wonder what you’re hiding from them and it’ll remove that incredibly personal connection that makes watching your stream so fun.

6. Re-Organize Your Room

Are you a streamer who has recently moved into a new place?

If that’s the case, then it’s time to re-organize!

You see, having your gaming enclosure in one corner of your room with all your peripherals and consoles scattered about in different places throughout the room just looks… messy.

It’s time to change all of that.

You want to create a very deliberate look from one gaming setup element to the next, so focus on getting each area right, starting with your desk space.

Once you get it looking good, move on to your storage area.

Then you can work on your game room entrance…

It’s time to bring to life the perfect set of small gaming bedroom ideas to make your stream really “pop”.

7. A Decent Headphone Stand

One of the most overlooked elements to any great gaming setup is the humble headphone stand.

If your headphones are piled up on your desk or you have them slung over a chair, then it’s time to take a step back and re-think this!

You see, having your headphones on display is a great idea, not only because it looks cool but also for practical purposes.

It means you can start streaming with them right away, which means no more wasting time!

Gaming Setup Ideas for Small Rooms

Still need some more gaming setup ideas for small rooms?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered…

8. Use Shelves to Your Advantage

If you’re working with a really small room then shelves are your best friend.

To keep things organized, try keeping consoles on one shelf and peripherals on another.

This way, you can keep everything close to your setup without having cables scattered all over the place.

9. Add More Than One Monitor

One of the biggest mistakes new streamers make is not using more than one monitor during their live broadcasts.

If you’ve ever seen anyone stream for more than 15 minutes, you’ll notice that they always more than one monitor.

Here’s why:

Having two monitors makes it easier run and track everything through OBS, while, of course, playing your favorite game.

Stupid simple, I know.

Just make sure, though, that when you get that second monitor, you take advantage of the shelves we’ve mentioned above so your wires aren’t scattered all over the place.

In conclusion:

So, there you have it – 9 small gaming room ideas for new streamers.

In a nutshell, clean up your room, incorporate your brand, switch up the area you stream in, and work on your lighting!

Apply these 9 ideas and see which work best for you.

Oh, and as always, have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team