Looking for Just Chatting stream ideas, ey?
Well, picture this:
You’ve finished streaming your favorite game.
Excited, you switch over to your ‘Just Chatting’ scene.
Your stinger transition works its magic.
(As it always does.)
And BAM! it’s just you and your viewers.
No game to fill the empty silence, or keep them entertained, or help you come up with topics.
Just you and your viewers.
So, what do you talk about? What do you say? What are some good Just Chatting stream ideas and topics you can discuss to keep ’em entertained?
Well, here are 21 of my favorite:
1. Talk about your favorite TV shows.
If you’re a fan of a certain show, talk about it on your stream!
- Share your thoughts on the latest episode
- Talk about what you just watched
- Tell them which character you hate the most
Talk to your audience as if you’re talking to your friends.
2. Talk about your favorite movies.
Just like with TV shows, if you have a favorite movie, talk about it on your stream!
- Share your thoughts on the latest movie you watched
- Talk about the characters that you love/hate
- Tell them what your all-time favorite movie is
This is always a good one because if you’re anything like me, you’re always watching movies!
3. Play a game with your viewers.
This can be anything from a simple question-and-answer game to something more complex, like 20 Questions.
- Ask questions and get their answers in the chat
- Invite a “fan” to jump on your stream with you
Most of all, just get your audience involved!
Twitch Just Chatting Ideas
4. Ask your viewers for advice on something.
This can be anything from life advice (i.e., “I just bought a lottery ticket and I don’t know what to do with it…”) to clothing advice (i.e., “Which color should I dye my hair next?”)
5. Talk about food!
This one is always a hit. Share your favorite recipes
- Tell them about the latest restaurant you tried
- Talk about your all-time favorite dish
- Share cooking tips
Again, get creative with this and always make sure to involve your audience as much as possible.
6. Share your favorite music
Everyone loves music.
And I’m sure your audience are interested in what you like to listen to, so
- Share what you’re listening to right now
- Play a song just for them
- Tell your audience what genre of music you’re into at the moment
Ideas for Just Chatting Stream
7. Have a Q&A session!
This is another great way to get your viewers involved.
Simply open up the mic to your audience and let them ask you questions.
Think of this as your very own Ask Me Anything session.
This is also a great chance for your audience to get to know you a little bit better.
8. Do a book review.
If you just finished reading a book, tell your audience all about it!
Describe what the story was about in detail:
- Was it any good?
- Was it worth the read?
- Would you recommend it?
- Why or why not?
9. Share your thoughts on the latest news topics.
Be up-to-date on all the latest news and share your thoughts on current events
- Talk about what’s been happening in the world of politics
- Share your opinion on recent controversies
10. Talk about your favorite video games!
Share your thoughts on the newest game and why they’re your favorite:
- Play a game just for your viewers
- Share tips and tricks with your audience
11. Stream yourself playing a new game just for your audience!
This is probably one of the most popular Just Chatting ideas out there right now.
The concept is simple:
- You play a new game just for your viewers
- They watch you play it.
- Then they comment and you give your thoughts on the game as you play
This is a great way to get feedback from your audience about games and also show them what games you’re currently into.
“What can I stream on just chat?”
12. Share your favorite beauty tips.
This can be anything from how to do your makeup to how to style your hair.
You could also:
- Share your favorite beauty products
- Talk about the latest trends in the beauty world
- Share tips on how to take care of your skin
This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but hey ho, it is for some people!
13. Share your favorite recipes.
This is a great one if you’re into cooking.
- Share your favorite recipes
- Get them involved in the cooking process.
- Have a cooking challenge
- Talk about your latest cooking adventure
14. Talk about fashion.
Share your thoughts on the latest fashion trends:
- Talk about what you’re wearing right now
- Recommend pieces of clothing or accessories to your viewers
- Share your tips on how to put together an outfit
15. Give your viewers a tour of your house/room.
This is always popular with viewers, because they get to see where you live and what your place looks like.
You could also do a tour of your city or town.
“What should I talk about on stream?”
16. Talk about your hobbies.
Share what you like to do in your spare time:
- How long have you been doing it for?
- Do you have any tips for people just starting it?
- Do you just absolutely love it?
This can be just about anything, just so long as the audience is interested.
17. Share inspirational quotes.
Get your viewers thinking by sharing some inspiration:
- Share your top 5 favorite quotes with the audience
- Tell them why these quotes are meaningful to you
- Talk about how these quotes have helped you in your life
18. Share your thoughts on relationships/dating.
This one is always popular, because people love to hear other people’s opinions on relationships:
- What are your thoughts on dating?
- Have you been in any serious relationships?
- What do you look for in a significant other?
- What’s your favorite part about dating?
- How long did your last relationship last?
Twitch “Just Chatting” Topics
19. Talk about pet peeves.
This is just something fun to do that helps get your audience involved:
- Share some of your biggest pet peeves with the audience
- Let them know just what annoys you to no end
- See if anyone in the audience shares any of your pet peeves
20. Share some embarrassing stories from your life.
We’ve all got them, so why not share them with the world?
- Talk about a time when you really messed up
- Share a story that’s just downright embarrassing
21. Share your thoughts on just about anything!
This is just an overall fun one to do:
- Share your thoughts on popular culture
- What are some of the biggest social issues right now?
- How should they be dealt with?
Talk about anything and everything that you think is interesting.
If you do this properly, your passion will shine through.
In conclusion
Remember, just chatting is just that – JUST CHATTING.
It’s just talking to your audience with no real aim in mind.
And then, of course, letting the conversation flow from there.
So try out some of these Just Chatting stream ideas and see which work best for you.
Oh, and while you’re at it, have fun gaming!
-The Zombie Writing Team