Do you want to discover how to get more Twitch followers?

Well, you’re in the right place.

I’m going to show you how to get more followers, without spending a dime.

This post will cover everything from building an audience and marketing yourself to networking with other gamers and building your social media presence.


Okay, let’s jump straight in…

Tip #1: Brand your Twitch channel

The first thing you need to do is make a good Twitch channel.

So, what makes a good Twitch channel?

Well, here are some general guidelines:

  • Brand your account the way you want it to be known on social media and beyond.  If you’re going to become a big streamer, you need to put in the effort to make a good first impression.
  • Make sure your banner and profile picture are high quality and represent you well.
  • Upload interesting and engaging content regularly, whether that’s gameplay footage, highlights, or vlogs.
  • Engage with your audience! Reply to their comments, host giveaways, etc.
  • Get a domain name and set up your website!

Once you’ve got these things covered, you’ll have more of an audience to start with.

This will also lead into the second tip on how to get more Twitch followers…

Tip #2: Join a community

When it comes to getting more Twitch followers, one of the best things you can do is join a community.

There are tons of different communities out there for gamers of all levels, so there’s definitely one that’s right for you.

Some popular communities include:

By joining one of these communities and networking with other gamers, you’ll be able to build a following much more easily, because you won’t just be dependent SOLELY on Twitch to grow your followers.

Tip #3: Use social media to promote your channel

Social media is a great way to promote your Twitch channel and get more followers.

Here are some tips for using social media to grow your Twitch channel:

Create a Facebook page for your Twitch channel, and invite your friends to like it!  (If you don’t have any friends, use the “Invite all” button to get more people involved.)

Use Instagram to post pictures of yourself playing games. It’s a good idea to use hashtags like #gaming, #twitch, #streamer…etc here!

Use Twitter to engage your audience.

Reply to their comments or tweets with interesting content related to your stream.

How to Promote Your Twitch Stream

Tip #4: Network with other Twitch streamers

Networking is a big part of promoting your Twitch stream.

Here are some tips for networking with other gamers to promote your channel:

  • Find gamers in your niche and start talking to them!
  • Start sharing their videos on social media, leave comments, etc.
  • Attend gaming events and meet-ups in your area.
  • Join online communities and forums related to gaming.

By networking with other gamers, you’ll be able to build relationships with people who are interested in what you’re doing, and they may even start streaming themselves after seeing how much fun you have.

Tip #5: Promote your Twitch stream everywhere

I know it sounds obvious, but the more places you promote your Twitch channel, the better.  

Here are some ideas of where to promote your stream:

  • Facebook Groups and Pages
  • Social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
  • Online communities and forums related to your niche
  • Your own website or blog

Twitch itself!  Make sure you fill out your bio and use appropriate keywords so that people can find your stream.

In addition to these places, you can also promote your Twitch stream by wearing Twitch gear or stickers in public, or by putting up flyers at local gaming stores.

Hey, if you’re serious about this, you’ll do anything, right? 🙂

Tip #6: Host a viewing party

One way to get more people interested in your Twitch stream is to host a viewing party.

Here are some tips on how to host a viewing party:

  • First, let people know that you’re hosting the event!
  • Share it everywhere (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook).
  • Then send a message to your chat letting everyone know when the live stream is going to start.

During this time, just interact with your viewers and have fun!

Use These Tips to Gain More Twitch Followers

Tip #7: Recruit streamers to help you gain more Twitch followers

If you don’t have a lot of viewers, one way to get more people to check out your stream is to recruit other streamers to help you promote.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • First, find streamers who are in a similar niche as you.
  • Then reach out to them and ask if they would be willing to promote your stream.
  • Be sure to offer them something in return, such as promotion on your social media channels or a shout-out on your live stream.

If you’re able to get a few big names to help promote your stream, it can go a long way in helping you grow your following.

Tip #8: Interact with popular gamers

One way to get more people to check out your Twitch stream is to interact with popular gamers in your niche.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • First, find the biggest streamers in the game you’ve chosen and interact with them on social media or leave them comments on their live streams.
  • Second, join gaming communities and forums where these gamers hang out and participate in the discussions.
  • Third, watch their live streams and take note of what they’re doing that’s attracting viewers.
  • Then try to incorporate some of those elements into your own stream.

By doing this, you’ll not only grow your following, but you’ll also learn from the best in the business.

Tip #9: Post a link to your Twitch channel on all of your online profiles

Just as you want people to see your Twitch stream, other gamers will want to view it, too.  

Here are some ways you can let them know about it:

  • Change your social media profile pictures and cover images so that they display a link to your Twitch stream.
  • Make sure you fill out all of your online profiles so that gamers can find your Twitch channel and follow you, such as Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, and Flickr.

If people see that you’re a gamer, they’re more likely to check out your profile and Twitch stream if there’s a link included.

How to Get Your First 50 Followers on Twitch

Tip #10: Stream during popular streaming times

Another way to get more viewers for your Twitch stream is to stream during popular streaming times.

Here are the most popular streaming times:

  • Monday-Thursday: 9pm-12am EST
  • Friday-Saturday: 10pm-2am EST
  • Sunday: 6pm-12am EST

By streaming during these times, you’ll have a better chance of getting more viewers.

Tip #11: Use a chatbot to grow your following

A chatbot is a tool that helps you automate your live stream and attract new followers.

It does this by engaging with potential viewers who visit your channel and enticing them to follow you.

Here are some examples of the types of chatbots you can use:

  • Tatsumaki: a popular bot that posts alerts in chat when someone starts following you or subscribes to your channel.
  • Nightbot: a chatbot that moderates chats, allows for custom commands, and schedules events on your channel.
  • Supreme Bot: a chatbot that helps you grow your Twitch following by automatically following and subscribing to other users.

By using a chatbot, you’ll be able to focus on streaming and growing your channel while the bot takes care of getting more followers for you.

Tip #12: Stream your favorite game

Another way to get more followers for your Twitch stream is to stream on the game that you’re passionate about.

You’ll have a much better chance of getting viewers if you show interest in what you’re streaming, so choose a game that truly interests you.

In conclusion

There you have it!  Those are some tips on how to promote your Twitch stream.

Let’s recap:

  • Brand your Twitch channel
  • Join a community
  • Use social media to promote your channel
  • Network with other Twitch streamers
  • Promote your Twitch stream everywhere
  • Host a viewing party
  • Recruit streamers to help you gain more Twitch followers
  • Interact with popular gamers
  • Post a link to your Twitch channel on all of your online profiles
  • Stream during popular streaming times
  • Use a chatbot to grow your following
  • Stream your favorite game

In addition to these tips, make sure you’re always having fun when you’re streaming!

People will be more likely to want to watch you if they can see how much you enjoy playing games.

So always remember to have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team