“What’s the best gaming content for YouTube?”

That, my fellow Gaming Zombie, is one of the most popular questions we get.

Our answer?

*drum roll*

It depends.

It depends on a bunch of factors, actually:

  • Your personality
  • What you’re comfortable with
  • The type of emotion you want your viewers to feel
  • The experience you want to give your audience

And, well, the list goes on.

So, I’m not going to say “this thing” is the best or “that”.

Instead, I’m going to give you a list of some of the best gaming content for YouTube ideas I could come up with and then let you decide what works best for you, okay?

Awesome, let’s jump in…

1. Your best gaming moment

What I love most about this idea is that it’s super easy.

All you need to do is think back to the best gaming moments you’ve ever had, record yourself talking about it for 3-5 minutes and then upload it to YouTube.

Better yet, if you have a clip of that moment, that would be perfect.

Simple enough, huh?

Oh, and bonus tip here because depending on the best moment you decide to upload, you can include a best gaming moments montage in your YouTube video description to another video.

Best Content for YouTube Gaming Channel

2. Gamer vs Gamer

This, in my opinion, is one of the best pieces of content for your YouTube gaming channel because it’s FUNNY.

All you have to do is think back to gaming moments with friends where you’ve battled it out and then, well, record yourself talking about each situation.

Then, because you can’t settle the debate, you rematch each other and record the whole thing.

3. Gaming news roundup

If coming up with the best content for your YouTube gaming channel – to you, at least, is going to be about streamlining your life and saving time, then this idea fits the bill.

All you have to do is think back to your favorite gaming news websites and blogs and record yourself talking about what happened that week in a concise way.

For best results, try picking 5-6 stories to talk about.

4. A review of your favorite game

Believe it or not, people are often looking for honest YouTube videos with fair reviews of games.

In fact, one way you can drive a lot of traffic to your videos is by doing these types of reviews as they’re almost guaranteed to show up in search results and on the pages of other gaming review YouTubers.

But here’s the thing:

People are also highly skeptical of reviews, so it’s important that you’re as fair and unbiased as possible when you’re recording it.

So try to keep your personal biases out of the video (at least for the first upload) and let the facts speak for themselves.

Best Content for Gaming Channel

5. A game walkthrough

Similar to the gaming news roundup idea, this is one of the best content for gaming channel ideas I could come up with because it’s perfect for optimizing your time and streamlining your process.

Let me explain.

What you do is record yourself playing through a game (providing commentary along the way) while uploading it to YouTube.

One of the best examples of this type of content is Zack Scott’s Resident Evil 6 walkthrough.  

6. Gameplay montage

This is one of the best pieces of content for your gaming channel because, well, it’s downright fun.

All you need to do is record yourself playing a game and then upload the best clips into one video.

For example:

Record yourself playing one match of COD on multiplayer and then upload the best part of your video to YouTube, with, of course, your commentary.

These types of videos are great for both gamers AND viewers because they’re entertaining as hell and they’re informative (other gamers will LOVE seeing how you play).

7. Tips and tricks

Believe it or not, like game walkthroughs, tips and tricks videos are another really good content idea for your gaming channel.


Well, because they’re perfect for answering popular gaming questions, that’s why.

So remember, next time you think of a question that’s been answered over and over again on gaming forums, think of the best way to answer it in a compelling way.

And then go ahead and record yourself explaining your answer(s) in detail.

In conclusion:

When it comes to coming up with the best content for your YouTube gaming channel, it’s important that you know what works so you can avoid wasting time on ideas that don’t.

But most importantly, have fun with it because if it isn’t fun, then there’s no point in doing it (for both you AND your audience).

So, go ahead and test these ideas out, find which work for you and then put your own unique twist on them.

Oh, and as always, have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team