You might be wondering how many apex legends classes there are, and what their abilities are?

Apex Legends is a battle royale game that has quickly become one of the most popular games on the market.

It also has over a dozen different characters, or legends, to choose from.

Each character has unique strengths and abilities that set them apart from the rest of the pack.

Another key feature that makes it so exciting to play is its diverse roster of playable characters, or “legends”.

So If you’re looking for an apex legends character guide that can help you decide which legend is best.

You’ve come to the right place!

1. Offensive


One of the most common characters used in Apex Legends due to her high damage output and versatility.

She has a powerful, single-shot sniper rifle that can easily take down enemies at long range.

She can also use her automatic assault rifle which can be effective at close or medium range.

Another thing is her cloaking device which allows her to become invisible for a short period of time.


Bangalore is another offensive legend that excels at dealing damage to enemies.

Her abilities allow her to call in smoke canisters to disorient and slow down the enemies.

She can also call in fighter jets to bomb a specific area.

So if you’re looking for a fast-moving, aggressive character, Bangalore is the legend for you.

Apex Legends Characters

2. Defensive


Caustic is a defensive character that specializes in traps and using poisonous gas to control the battlefield.

His traps can be used to both damages and slow down enemies, making them easy targets for his teammates.

In addition, his special ability allows him to release a cloud of poisonous gas that damages enemies caught within it.

So if you’re looking for a character that can control the battlefield, Caustic is the legend for you.


Gibraltar is another defensive character that specializes in tanking damage and providing cover for his teammates.

His abilities allow him to deploy a personal shield to block incoming attacks from the enemies.

He can also call in an airstrike to bombard a specific area.

So if you’re looking for a character that can take a lot of damage, Gibraltar is the legend for you.

Best Classes Apex Legends


Rampart is a defensive character that specializes in crowd control and area denial.

Her abilities allow her to deploy large, mobile shield walls that can be used to block off enemy paths.

She can also set up turrets that damage enemies as they walk past them.

So if you’re looking for a character that can control the battlefield, Rampart is the legend for you.


Wattson is a defensive character that specializes in controlling the flow of the battlefield.

Her abilities allow her to set up electric fences that damage and slow down enemies as they walk past them, as well as deploy large towers that call down lightning strikes on nearby enemies.

If you’re looking for a character that can control the movement and positioning of enemies on the battlefield, Wattson is the legend for you.

3. Support


Lifeline is a support character that specializes in healing and reviving teammates.

Her abilities allow her to deploy a medical drone that heals nearby allies, as well as call in a supply drop that contains valuable items such as armor and weapons.

She can also call down care packages with helpful items like shields, weapons, and ammo to give her team an advantage in battle. 

If you’re looking for a character that can keep your allies alive and well-equipped, Lifeline is the legend for you.

Apex Legends Best Classes


Wraith is a support character that specializes in disorienting and confusing enemies.

Her abilities allow her to become invisible for short periods of time, as well as create portals that teleport herself or others across the battlefield.

This makes her very effective at ambushing or flanking enemies, making her a valuable asset to any team.

If you’re looking for a character that can disorient and confuse enemies, Wraith is the legend for you.


Loba is a support character that specializes in crowd control and debuffing enemies.

Her abilities allow her to deploy drones that damage nearby enemies, as well as temporarily blind them with bright flashes of light.

This makes her very effective at controlling the battlefield and hampering enemy movements, making her an excellent choice for any team.

If you’re looking for a character that can control the battlefield and debuff enemies, Loba is the legend for you.

4. Recon


Bloodhound is a reconnaissance legend that specializes in tracking enemies across the battlefield.

Her abilities allow her to scan the area for nearby enemies, as well as see recent enemy movement paths on the map.

This makes her very effective at locating and ambushing enemy teams, making her an invaluable asset to any team.

If you’re looking for a character that can track and locate enemies, Bloodhound is the legend for you.

Classes Apex Legends


Pathfinder is a reconnaissance character that specializes in map awareness and mobility.

Her abilities allow her to deploy a grappling hook to reach high places or quickly escape danger, as well as scan the area for various objects such as enemy loot boxes and supply drops.

This makes her very effective at locating resources, alarms, and enemies across the map, making her a valuable asset to any team.

If you’re looking for a character that can help you navigate the map and keep you aware of your surroundings, Pathfinder is the legend for you.


Crypto is a reconnaissance character that specializes in surveillance and hacking.

His abilities allow him to deploy a surveillance drone to scout ahead or hack enemy equipment, as well as EMP blasts that disable nearby electronics.

This makes him very effective at gathering information and disrupting enemy plans, making him a valuable asset to any team.

If you’re looking for a character that can gather information and disrupt enemy plans, Crypto is the legend for you.

In Conclusion:

Choosing the best class in Apex Legends comes down to what role you want to play in your team.

No matter which class you choose, however, it’s important to remember that teamwork is essential for success in this game.

So make sure to work well with your teammates no matter what class you select.

And as always, have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team