Searching for YouTube gaming channel names?
Well, you’ve come to the right part of the web, my fellow Gaming Zombies.
Because in this post, I’m going to share 14 weird ideas you can use to effortlessly come up with a list of YouTube gaming channel names that are unique to you and your channel, so you can pick the one that best suits you.
You ready?
Awesome, let’s jump in…
1. What games do you play?
I’m serious.
What games do you play?
Which one is your favorite?
Use the answers to these questions to come up with a YouTube gaming channel name that encapsulates what your favorite game – or set of games – is.
2. What do you look like?
Yes, what do you look like?
What’s your physical appearance?
Do you have a lazy eye or an interesting hair color?
Perhaps your hair is bright red or green or purple.
This is where it gets fun.
Take the things about yourself that make you unique and use them to come up with a YouTube gaming channel name that somehow incorporates your look, the way you feel about yourself, and what makes you… you.
Gaming Channel Names
3. What do other people call you?
Okay, this one is important because it’s something else unique to you.
What do other people usually call you?
Your friends might call you “munchkin” or “honey”.
Your mother might call you “hon” or “sweetheart”.
Do your siblings call you something endearing, like “peanut”?
This is where things start to become more interesting.
You’re still incorporating your look and the way people talk to you, but this time you’re using something personal to you for your gaming channel name.
4. What are your favorite things?
This one is kind of like personal branding, at least in a sense that it should be related to what people know about you.
For instance, let’s say I’m known for my love of cats and anything related to them.
My YouTube gaming channel name could be something like “KittyKattGaming” or it could be entirely related to cats, like “JaneTheCatGamer”.
You can use your favorite things (cats, kittens, coffee, Harry Potter, the stars) to influence your gaming channel name.
5. What does your name mean?
Are you named after a relative?
Is there some kind of personal meaning to your name?
This is where it pays off to be unique.
Your name isn’t common, it’s special.
It means something.
It represents something important about you or someone in your life.
Maybe if your name is Taylor, you like Taylor Swift’s lyrics or Taylor Lautner (or Taylor herself).
You can, in order words, use your name to help you come up with a YouTube gaming channel name that’s unique to you.
6. What do you hate?
No, really.
What do you hate?
You might hate Cthulhu, Voldemort, the dark, the ocean…
Using what you hate to help come up with a unique gaming channel name can be surprisingly fun.
Perhaps your name could be “StayOutOfTheBasementGaming” or it could be something like “OnlyDoPartyGames”.
Best Gaming Channel Name
7. Who are your favorite band?
Still trying to come up with the best gaming channel name?
Okay, this one is easy.
Just take the first letter of each word in your favorite band’s song.
And you can use that to come up with a YouTube gaming channel name that’s entirely unique to your channel.
8. What are you known for?
Are you known for being incredibly good at Minecraft?
Do gamers come up to you all the time saying how good you are at League of Legends?
Whatever it is, this is where things are going to get interesting again.
Use what people know you for to come up with a YouTube gaming channel name that somehow includes it.
9. What’s your favorite season?
Yes, believe it or not you can use your favorite season to help you come up with the best gaming channel name!
If your favorite season is winter, perhaps you could call yourself “SnowQueen” or “WinterGaming”.
If it’s spring, you can be “SpringTime” or “RoseAndLily”.
You get the idea.
10. Your favorite color?
Your favorite color is probably one of the most unique aspects of you and, when used correctly in coming up with a YouTube gaming channel name, it can make for an incredibly unique twist on something that people might be expecting.
Your favorite color could influence your YouTube gaming channel name in a way that no one else would think to use it.
Just get creative with it.
Best Name for YouTube Channel for Gaming
11. Do you like anything?
Anything at all!
Do you like football? Soccer? Space travel?
Use anything that you like as a basis for to come up with the best gaming channel name for you.
It doesn’t really matter what it is, just as long as it’s something you like and is related to your interests.
12. What do people think of you?
Are your friends always calling you a nerd because they know how “geeky” you are?
Are you known for being a “cute”?
Do you have a fiery gaming rage?
The list can go on and on.
Whatever it is that you’re known for, though, use it to come up with the best name for your YouTube channel for gaming.
13. What animal would you be?
Yeah, I know – it sounds really weird – but, just stick with me and ask yourself:
“If I was an animal, what would I be?”
Perhaps you’d be a cat or a dog or maybe even a fish.
Is it KotakuFishGaming?
What about CuteGamerKitty?
In conclusion:
These ideas should help you to come up with the best gaming channel name.
Remember: the internet is a place where it pays off for you to stand out and be unique!
So, don’t just settle for something that’s “good enough” – do your research and find a YouTube gaming channel name that works perfectly for you and your channel.
Oh, and as always, have fun gaming!
-The Zombie Writing Team