In desperate need of PUBG thumbnail ideas for your next YouTube video?

Do you want to stand out in the YouTube search results?

Well, you’re in luck.


Because in this post, I’m going to share 13 attention-grabbing PUBG thumbnail ideas you can use to:

  • Stand out in the search results
  • Increase your views
  • Get more subscribers

You ready?

Awesome, let’s jump in:

PUBG Thumbnail Idea #1: Point to something

When you see successful videos on YouTube, their thumbnails almost always point to something.

That’s because pointing is an extremely effective way of drawing attention to whatever it is the content creator – in this case, you – wants viewers to focus on.

Your eye is immediately drawn to what’s being pointed at, which, in turn, induces curiosity and increases the amount of people clicking through to your video.

In the case of PUBG, you could be pointing to a new weapon or map or part of the game.

PUBG Thumbnail Idea #2: Use a lot of bright, vibrant colors

If you aren’t already using them on your PUBG video thumbnails, you need to start immediately.


Because YouTube’s search algorithm favours content that grabs people’s attention and inspires them to click.

In other words, if your thumbnail isn’t eye-catching enough, your competition’s will come up instead, which means no views for you.

But if your thumbnail is bright and vibrant, YouTube will show it to more people, which means more clicks and the potential to go viral.

PUBG Thumbnail for YouTube

PUBG Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #3: Show a weapon or utility

I’m sure you know this by now but just in case you don’t…

PUBG has weapons and utilities in ABUNDANCE.

And when PUBG players are looking at thumbnails, they’re usually trying to find the next cool thing.

So when it comes to your thumbnails, showing either a weapon or utility is a great way of drawing viewers to your video.

And, of course, the more eyeballs you get on your videos, the better your chances of skyrocketing up the YouTube search results are.

PUBG Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #4: Use PUBG quotes

Video game PUBG quotes are all the rage right now.

So, if you use PUBG quotes on your thumbnails, not only will they grab people’s attention but also inspire curiosity.

Some examples include:

  • “Kids go to school, men go to military base.”
  • “PUBG is not just a game, it’s a world.”

PUBG Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #5: Keep it simple

If you want your thumbnail to stand out, make sure it’s simple.

The problem with complicated or busy PUBG thumbnails is that they can often be overlooked in the YouTube search results.

So, instead of overwhelming people and trying to cram everything on your PUBG thumbnail, keep yours nice and clean by just focusing on getting one key message across to your viewers.

Thumbnail for PUBG

Thumbnail for PUBG Idea #6: Show a strong emotion

Viewers like watching videos that make them feel something.

So, if you can show a strong emotion on your thumbnail, people will be more likely to click through and watch it.

Some examples include:

  • Angry (make people wonder why and how you got so angry, by adding a picture of yourself screaming with rage)
  • Happy (makes people feel happy by showing a picture of yourself grinning like an adult on Friday night)
  • Disgusted (makes people feel disgusted by taking a picture of yourself covering your face and looking at something in your thumbnail).

Thumbnail for PUBG Idea #7: Show gameplay footage

Doesn’t matter if it’s your own or someone else’s – showing gameplay in your PUBG video thumbnail is an extremely effective way of drawing people towards your content.

And you know why?

Because everyone loves watching gameplay videos!

So, use the opportunity to show something epic that will make people stop scrolling and click on your video instead.

Thumbnail for PUBG Idea #8: Ask a question

Everyone loves questions.

They create “open loops”.

So, when you use them in your thumbnails, people will generally click on your video in order to find out what the answer is.

Some examples include:

  • “Who can kill me in under 3 shots?”
  • “How fast is this player going?”
  • “Which weapon will you choose?”

Thumbnail for PUBG Idea #9: Add a number

Numbers are fantastic for thumbnails. Whether it’s the number of kills or weapons or time played, adding them to your thumbnail can increase your chances of getting views.

Plain and simple.

So, if you’re about to upload a video and know you’re going to be using a certain number in it, even if it’s just the number of kills, add that into your PUBG video thumbnail beforehand.

PUBG Mobile Thumbnail for YouTube

PUBG Mobile Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #10: Keep it cool

It may sound obvious, but for some reason people still ignore this particular tip.

And that’s because they forget YouTube is a visual platform.

So, if you want your videos to stand out: make sure

  • Your thumbnails are eye-catching
  • And that they’re interesting

by using curiosity and focusing on getting one message across in each of your videos.

PUBG Mobile Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #11: Make it funny

Everyone loves laughing.

So, if you’re able to make people laugh with your thumbnail, they will undoubtedly click on your video in order to get in on the joke.

So, if you can make a funny thumbnail that gets a chuckle out of people or makes them smile, they’re going to want to watch your video.

PUBG Mobile Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #12: Make it personal

Doesn’t matter if it’s just a still frame of yourself, adding yourself to your thumbnail is an extremely effective way of getting your viewers to click.


Well, because people love seeing faces they recognize.

And the more you do this, the more you’ll build your personal brand.

PUBG Mobile Thumbnail for YouTube Idea #13: Be consistent

This is a golden rule for YouTube thumbnails in general.

So, if you’re running a gaming YouTube channel and uploading gameplay videos every day that are all part of a series: stick to the same thumbnail

Ideally, this will be one that gets your audience clicking on all of your videos.

So, whether it’s part of a series or not, using the same design and color scheme is another great way to make sure people click on your content.

In conclusion:

And there you go…

13 PUBG thumbnail ideas for your YouTube channel.

Now, some of them may be obvious – others not so much – but they’re all tried and tested methods for getting more views on your videos.

So, try a few of them out for yourself and see which work best for you.

Oh, and as always have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team