Are you looking for a list of good Fortnite video ideas for your next YouTube video?

Well, then, you’ve come to the right place.


Because in this post, I’m going to walk you through 17 of the best Fortnite video ideas our team of Gaming Zombies could come up with.

And what’s more:

You’re free to copy them and start using them as soon as you’ve finished reading.


Sweet, let’s jump in…

1. Funniest Moments Compilation

Okay, so the first Fortnite video idea on our list is a compilation of your funniest moments playing the game.  

I mean, think about it:

People LOVE to laugh.

They absolutely love it.

(Myself – and I’m sure, you – included.)

And so when we laugh, two things happen:

  • We come back for more videos
  • We share that video with our friends

So, create a Fortnite funniest moments compilation video, make people laugh, and watch as your YouTube views increase.

2. Fortnite PVP Tips and Tricks

The second Fortnite video idea on our list has to be a Fortnite player versus player tips and tricks video.

Now, the reason why it “has to be” is because Fortnite, plain and simple, is one of the most popular games on the planet.

So as such, there are hundreds of thousands of people looking for tips and tricks on how to improve their:

  • Shooting
  • Building
  • One-on-one’s

Which is why, of course, this Fortnite video idea is so great:

You get to help a TON of people improve their Fortnite skills and, as a result, increase your YouTube views at the same time.

Fortnite YouTube Ideas

3. Funny Fortnite Glitches

Number 3 on our Fortnite YouTube ideas list is a compilation of your funniest glitches.

Let me explain…

Fortnite is awesome.

It is, in my opinion, one of the best games out there.

But, just like any game, it does have bugs.

And bugs, when you’re in the middle of a competitive one-on-one (for example), can be one of the most annoying – and funniest (for the viewer) – types of videos you upload to your channel.

Again, they’ll:

  • Make people laugh
  • Entice them to share your video
  • Increase your video’s views

4. Fortnite Weapons Video

Number 4 on our Fortnite YouTube ideas list is a walkthrough of each weapon on the Fortnite game, basically describing what each weapon is best used for.

Now, this option does work best for those players who’ve been playing Fortnite long enough to understand the pros and cons of each weapon, but that’s a given if you’re creating an entire YouTube channel based around Fortnite!

So I’m going to assume you know what you’re talking about there.

Just play the game.

And commentate on why this weapon is best in this situation.

And that weapon is best in that situation.



5. Best Fort Building Tips

Number 5 on our Fortnite YouTube ideas list is a video where you walk your viewers through how to best build a fort that protects you against attacks.

Here’s how it’d work…

You’d simply film yourself playing Fortnite.

Put yourself in a situation where you’re being attacked.

And then build a fort strong enough to protect you, while walking your viewers through how to build a similar fort and when they play the game.

You could even throw in some bonus material collection tips and reveal where the best places to go on the map are for, well, materials to build their fort.

Good Video Ideas for Fortnite 

6. Fortnite Battle Royale Tips

Number 6 on our good videos ideas for Fortnite list is, of course, revealing how to win that all-important Battle Royale!

  • Do you hide the entire game and then come out at the end?
  • Do you find high ground and pick players off with your sniper?
  • Or are you in the middle of the action straight from the drop?

Reveal how you win.

Show games where you win.

And walk your viewers through what you’re doing as you’re doing it.

Got it?


7. Fortnite Losses

Number 7 on our good videos ideas for Fortnite list is showing a compilation of all the losses you’ve racked up over the course of the week.

Listen, what makes Fortnite so funny ISN’T winning.

No, it’s being so close to winning and then losing.

It’s that raw emotion of being so close to the finish line and then not making it.

That, my fellow gamer, is what people will want to see.

So, get some high-quality recording equipment that’ll capture the sound from your computer as well as your voice.

And find a quiet corner in your house to record it in.

Then, put together a montage of all the times you just missed the win.

Or maybe when fate was against you and there was nothing you could do about it.

Show that feeling of frustration when the game just isn’t playing fair.

“What are some good Fortnite video ideas?”

8. Fortnite Tutorials

Number 8 on our good videos ideas for Fortnite list is tutorials!

Yes, this one is included because I know there are gamers out there who simply love learning the ins and outs of a game they’re trying to master.

I mean, that’s what tutorials are all about, right?

So, get a good tutorial together that people won’t be able to find on google.

And then put it out there for all the world to see!

9. Fortnite Moments

Number 9 on our good videos ideas for Fortnite list is showcasing those Fortnite moments that only happen every now and again.

For example, you sniping someone from the other side of the map.

Or you hitting some sort of Fortnite world record.

Or , you know, you killing a shark with a pickaxe because why not.

Just find those moments that make you laugh or cry or scream ‘OMG!’ and share them with your audience.

In conclusion:

So, there you have it…

9 Fortnite video ideas that’ll skyrocket your viewers on YouTube.

Use them.

Apply them.

Come up with some of your own.

And watch as your YouTube viewership skyrockets.

Just remember that people are watching your YouTube videos because they want to experience some sort of emotion.

So just make sure each one of your YouTube Fortnite videos are centered around a core emotion:

  • Frustration
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Joy

Help them feel what you feel.

And, as always, have fun gaming!

-The Zombie Writing Team